We are excited to be hosting our first Youth Bicycle Repair Rendezvous. Our goals are to help get youth bikes tuned up for safe summer riding. Our volunteers have been working hard all winter to restore bikes and we have a good selection of youth bikes available for those in need or wanting a trade up.
So, bring those youth bikes to our shop on May 6th from 10am to 2pm and we’ll have some fun.
Main activity will be bike safety checks and tune ups. Volunteers will provide supervision for youth to participate and perform, as abilities provide, the following maintenance activities, in no particular order:
- Flat tires
- Chain lube
- Wheel truing and axle checks
- Seat post bolt check and height check
- Handle bar bolt check
- Brake check and adjustments
- Bicycle sizing
Safe Ride Demo Course
Weather permitting a circuit will be available in the parking lot for youth to test ride bikes and demonstrate ride safe hand signals.